Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Beheading of Liberty

Last month, an 8 foot replica of the Statue of Liberty that stood outside a coffee shop in Brooklyn disappeared. I had thought this was an ironic metaphor to the disappearance of real liberty we see day in and day out, as we drift away from our constitutional mooring. A video has now surfaced which shows the beheading of said statue, islamic extremist style, with flashes of "Death to America" on the screen. You can watch the video here:

The video just seems too deadpan and creepy to be a hoax. It almost comes across as some kind of warning. This video serves as a stark reminder that there are real enemies of America, just as the metaphor I cited above highlights that there are real enemies within, enemies of freedom.

At a time when North Korea has threatened us, and is test-firing missiles, Obama is putting sheets, pillows and a comfortor on a bed to lay down in with Russia, who objects to our missile defense initiatives. Obama's Homeland Secretary doesn't used the word "terrorist" anymore, rejecting what she refers to as the "politics of fear." I think that Obama believes that by just being a nice guy and making everyone feel good, the world's evil will be no threat.

Surprisingly, and inconsistent with his other dealings, Obama has chosen to beef up our presence in Afghanistan. That is his "token" conflict, I believe because he secretly wants to get bin Laden, so that he can wear a badge of toughness on his lapel. But back on the homefront he continues to increase the role of federal government in our lives, and further a culture of dependency.

There is no stronger America than one with a strong military, and there is no stronger America than one with a truly free people. Weakened individual rights will serve as an accomplice to a weakened military in beheading liberty. Perhaps the enemy within is the one we should fear more.

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About Me

I am a typical 40-something American. I am a husband and a father. And like many of you I work hard to try to improve my life and the lives of my children. I don't want much from anyone or from my government - I just want to be left alone to go about my business and leave my little footprint on the world. I have grown very concerned about the direction our country is headed and firmly believe we have collectively lost sight of the basic principles that gave rise to our great nation. For awhile now I have been feeling more and more compelled to find a way to voice my concerns about this and share them with others - and that is the reason for this blog. I live near and work in New York City, by way of Texas, where I spent the majority of my formative years. I have an undergraduate degree in Economics and a Masters in Business Administration. My wife and I have three children, a dog, and a cat to keep us busy. I hope you enjoy what I have to say!
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