Monday, July 13, 2009

Holy Wars - At Home and Abroad

Over the weekend I received one of those emails... you know, the ones that tell the story of an honorable yet humble teacher, veteran, radio or tv personality who "tells it like it is" about what is ailing America. This one had a high school principal from Kingston, TN addressing the crowd at a high school football game about how he can no longer say a prayer before games, yet schools may dispense condoms and teach abortion as birth control among other things. I always enjoy these emails, which are normally only fictional portrayals or anecdotes at best. However, they serve an important role in that they highlight the crying out of a significant portion of American society, a humble class of folk which is often silenced by the mainstream media. These people aren't the loudest bunch, and they aren't always visible either, so these emails seem to give them a much needed voice.

As I usually do, I do a quick search of the content of these emails to confirm my suspicions, that they are indeed fictional works. It is typically with mild disappointment, yet coming as no surprise, that this in indeed the case. Today I was delighted that Snopes revealed that this was in fact a true story, and I hoped that the stadium was crowded when this school principal highlighted the hypocracy of our politically correct society.

On the other side of the globe in Iraq, at a time when US troops have been pulling out, there has been a rash of church bombings - seven in just three days. It's as if the insurgents are quickly trying to get our attention, saying, "hey, we aren't done yet - let's play this out!"

We used to hear more talk of "holy wars;" in fact, many believe they have been prophesized. There is a holy war going on right here at home just as there is abroad. But this war is more subtle, and bombs used are movies like "Religulous" or court decisions born of overinterpretation of First Amendment rights. But whether or not we pull out of the Middle East, or our courts try to silence Tennessee high school principals, I firmly believe "this ain't over yet."

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About Me

I am a typical 40-something American. I am a husband and a father. And like many of you I work hard to try to improve my life and the lives of my children. I don't want much from anyone or from my government - I just want to be left alone to go about my business and leave my little footprint on the world. I have grown very concerned about the direction our country is headed and firmly believe we have collectively lost sight of the basic principles that gave rise to our great nation. For awhile now I have been feeling more and more compelled to find a way to voice my concerns about this and share them with others - and that is the reason for this blog. I live near and work in New York City, by way of Texas, where I spent the majority of my formative years. I have an undergraduate degree in Economics and a Masters in Business Administration. My wife and I have three children, a dog, and a cat to keep us busy. I hope you enjoy what I have to say!
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